Monday, October 6, 2014

Bitcoin Value Drops Below 300$ for the first time in one year!

Bitcoin Price Value one year Graph
For the first time since November, 2013, the value of Bitcoin dropped today below $300, hitting the lowest price of the year, and again the fear of crash reaches investors. The fear of a crash is exaggerated? Still seen by many as a currency for speculators and technology enthusiasts, whenever the price of bitcoin descends steeply, its detractors herald the end of the coin. But Bitcoins is here to stay, and went back up above $300.

The principal problem of Bitcoin is yet to find a general use that will push it into the mainstream and help stabilize its price, but in recent months many retailers and online stores began to accept Bitcoins, and it's now possible to buy almost anything with bitcois; it's true that thought it is possible to buy almost anything, it's not possible to buy it anywhere. That time, I'm sure, will come. In fact, the main problem of Bitcoin is governments regulations (and even prohibitions); but since some governments accept it, others will follow.

What's your opinion? Leave it on comments.

#BTC: 18UtAYMy8zUUanHtkbvv4MUTajA2NoprNB

#LTC: LcgtnX2JDgKZAM4kh4JDsa1h6WVTFPnzXm

Also read: Price of Bitcoin Tumbles, at The New York Times.

1 comment:

  1. This is a useful information, which could be helpful in learning and experiencing about bitcoin.
