If you are searching for a way to make money with your blog, here you can find some of the most popular ways. When you choose the way that fits better your case, you shall have on account the traffic you go, how old are your blog, etc. Depending on your traffic, blogging skills, and social networks, your blog has a variety of options. You have to find what of this tips below fits better your blog, to maximize your earnings.
Pay Per Click - PPC - (Adsense, for example) is a program in which you place ads on your blog, and you are paid whenever your visitors click on one of these ads. It is the most popular method bloggers use to make money online. It involves almost no effort and is so incredibly easy. The probability of some of your visitors click on one of your ads increases as the level of traffic grows, and that way the possibility of making money increases too. Other popular services are Chitika, Yahoo!, Bidvertiser, and Adbrite.
Cost Per Mille - CPM - (in Latin mille means thousand) with this advertisement system, you will be paid based on how many times the ads are shown up. This is a very good option for blogs with big traffic; it can also bring good amounts of money to the smallest blogs, but takes a long time. The most important with this monetization method is the numbers of pageviews you can get, not the number of visitors, so it's important that you have a relevant content that captures the attention of readers. Value Click and Tribal Fusion are two popular services to this kind of advertisement service.
Money Widgets - Other very popular advertisement system are those of The Newsroom, WidgetBucks, ScratchBack, or SmartLinks. It's also very simple and easy to use this advertising system. It's based on a widget, that can be easily integrated into your blog’s sidebars. You just have to embed the widget into your sidebar and watch the ads begin.